Religion in Kushiel's Dart

Cassilines Similar to Monks

   The Cassiline Brotherhood was founded to honour Cassiel. He was the one angel that followed Elua, but still held faith in the One-God and followed his commands. Cassiel took no land for himself, choosing instead to remain at Elua's side forever. He believed he was eternally damned for leaving the One-God.
   Cassilines are trained from a young age as warrior-priests to be Perfect Companions. They must give up all family ties and remain chaste. Their duty is "to protect and serve". At all times, two Cassilines remain in attendance to the current ruler of Terre D'Ange. They follow very strict rules and breaking them can result in being kicked out of the Brotherhood. They may only draw their weapons in defense of the one they are protecting, they must never have carnal relations and they can never take out their sword unless they plan on killing people.
   Joscelin is the Cassiline assigned to protect Phedre. At first they don't really get along because their lifestyles are completely opposite. He sees sex as wrong, she's a whore. She is willful and stubborn, he is disciplined and follows orders. She dresses extravagantly and parties, he wears plain priestly garb and is stern. As he follows her on adventures, he comes to respect her and then to love her. He makes Cassiel's Choice, which is to forever follow Phedre and protect her, leaving the Brotherhood, just as Cassiel left Heaven to follow Elua.  
   The Cassiline lifestyle is very similar to the life of a monk. They take vows of chastity and purity. They are devoted to following the ways of Cassiel. They put honour above all else. They try to stay out of politics and are very rigid in their training.